Karibu Tandaa!
Tandaa is connected people, connected families, connected lives. It is also fast, affordable and safe internet good for work, leisure and entertainment.

Frequently Asked.
1. Is Tandaa Internet available where I am?
We currently have fiber service in all of Kilifi town and environs, Mtwapa, Mariakani, Kaloleni, Mazeras, Mikindani & Miritini. We are continuously growing our footprint and should your area not be listed, you should contact us to see if we have alternatives.
2. How much does it cost?
Installation cost depends on site location, and method of delivery (if Fiber, or Wireless). Monthly packages are as follows: ( Speeds indicated below as X Mbps Up / X Mbps down )
10 Mbps / 10 Mbps @ Ksh 2,399 /=
25 Mbps / 25 Mbps @ Ksh 3,599 /=
50 Mbps / 50 Mbps @ ksh 6,999 /=
100 Mbps / 100 Mbps @ 12,599 /=
3. How do I choose a plan thats best for me?
- Talk to our Customer Care on 0730 729 729 to discuss what would work best for you.
4. Is service unlimited?
All our services are offered on an unlimited basis, there is no Fair Usage Policy. You pay from start to end of your period.
5. Can I cancel / postpone at any time?
Our service is prepaid, when you pay your period starts to count, when its lapsed it suspends, you can come back weeks or months later and as long as you pay the same amount as your package, service will automatically restart from the date of payment.
6. Can I use my own equipment (router / radio)?
In some circumstances, we can utilise client routers, we however can only do this if provided with proof of purchase / ownership.
7. What is Tandaa business?
We have special tailor made solutions for schools, hotels, hospitals, wholesale and SME's that have a somewhat different use case. (e.g public IP's, extra support, assistance in deploying IPV6 among others).
Have any questions? Get in Touch